Notable Dates
  ° 23°50'28.431"  
° 23°26'21.448"
Nakshatra & Paksha Marker Stars - Equatorial View for the year 2000
Star Maps - Equatorial View Equatorial view of Nakshatras from Yale Bright Stars Catalog, with included non-nakshtra stars down to the 55th brightest to include Polaris. (Starting point is each stars RtAscDeg and Decl for J2000). α_CMa α_Car Swt α1_Cen Abh α_Aur β_Ori α_CMi α_Eri Ard β_Cen Srv Roh Jys Ctr Pnr α_PsA α_Cyg β_Cru α1_Cru α2_Cen Mgh ε_CMa Mul γ_Cru γ_Ori β_Tau β_Car ε_Ori α2_Cru α_Gru ε_UMa γ2_Vel α_Per α_UMa δ_CMa Asd η_UMa ε_Car θ_Sco β_Aur α_TrA γ_Gem α_Pav δ_Vel α_Gem α_Hya β_CMa T_CrB Asw α_UMi UAs β_Cet ζ_Ori α_And UPh Anr PBh PPh γ_Crv γ1_Leo Asw β_Crv PAs Vsk τ_Sco UBh Krt α2_Gem Hst ε_Leo ε_Crv ζ1_Hya τ_Sgr θ_Leo Asl η_Leo Mrg Dhn 27_Tau 41_Ari Stb γ2_Leo μ_Leo Psy α_Crv φ2_Ori ζ2_Hya 23_Tau α_Cnc ζ3_Hya ζ4_Hya φ1_Ori σ_Hya 39_Ari 93_Leo ι1_Lib γ_Cnc 35_Ari Bhr Bhr Vsk 38_Ari Rvt θ_Cnc 135_Tau Mrg ι2_Lib Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Galactic North Pole Galactic Center Galactic Anticenter Galactic South Pole Galactic North Pole Galactic Center Galactic Anticenter Galactic South Pole Asw Bhr Krt Roh Mrg Ard Pnr Psy Asl Mgh PPh UPh Hst Ctr Swt Vsk Anr Jys Mul PAs Asd UAs Abh Srv Dhn Stb PBh UBh Rvt Ecliptic North Ecliptic Pole South Ecliptic Pole North Celestial Pole South Celestial Pole North Celestial Pole South Celestial Pole 90° N 60° N 30° N 30° S 60° S 90° S Declination 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Right Ascension (Hours)